Monday, March 28, 2011

New! Permaculture Workshop at PICA

What: Free Permaculture Workshop
Where: Foundational Roots Garden at PICA, The Village
When: Sunday, May 1st from 10am-2pm
RSVP: Nick at

"Permaculture is an approach to designing human settlements and agricultural systems that are modeled on the relationships found in natural ecologies. This workshop will be an introduction to the principles, ethics, and applications of Permaculture on a global scale and in your daily life. We will begin with a group conversation and lecture on Permaculture. Afterward we will get our hands dirty in the PICA Garden applying real life applications of Permaculture. Come join us for a great day of learning how to lead a more ecological existence."

Thanks, nick slobodian

Nick is a newly credited UCSC alumni and has kindly offered to lead this awesome
workshop. This workshop will only accommodate 20 people so make your RSVP's soon!
If you're interested, RSVP to Nick at and remember space is limited. Hope to see you there!